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Unsafe Books Make the World Safe - Bad Books


“Bad books” Books that feel as if they would taint you or your family’s values with topics like homicide and immorality or change your identity the moment you read them.
Bad Books by writer Yu Tae Kim takes us on a journey to the times of “bad books,” those that became widely known after being “banned” in human history for being unsafe.
From the most well-known forbidden books in Korea – Yi Mun-Yol’s Pilon’s Pig and Ma Gwang-Soo’s Destiny – to 28 forbidden foreign titles... Can you believe that some of those books are still banned?


All those who were afraid of “bad books” wanted our society to be “safe.” However, writers of banned books claim, “Unsafe books are what makes a society safe!”


“A book filled with goodwill, contemplating the intangible boundary of ‘ethics’ in a world that rejects raw depictions and reflections of reality, striving to restore them.” - From the writer’s note


The history of forbidden books is the history of misreading. However, even amidst such dark times of history, there were readers who brilliantly revived books from oblivion.
“It is the readers who can remove the subversiveness of a book.” Reading forbidden books is like restoring the almost-forgotten values of humanity and futuristic spirit. How about reading this book, and reminding yourself of the values you may have forgotten?


A book that breaks down the boundaries between good and bad
Bad Books
Written by Yu Tae Kim, published by Geulhangari




#Bad Books#Yu Tae Kim#Geulhangari#Banned books
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